Online Web Training: Introduction to Python & Abaqus Scripting
21 May 2019 @ 10:30 - 18 June 2019 @ 12:30
EUR 980,00
The introduction to scripting e-learning programme will be run over a course of 5 weeks, which will consist of weekly 2 hour lectures. Each lecture will include the lecture itself, demonstrations with time for questions from the delegates. Additional workshops will be provided for the delegates to conduct in their own time with email support & mentoring available for any questions.
When and how?
21th May – 18th June 2019
The course starts on Tuesday and lasts 5 weeks. One lecture a week on Monday morning from 10:30 to 12:30 (Central European Time – CET).
Session 1: Introduction to Python language 1
Data types
Control flow
Session 2: Introduction to Python language 2
Modules and namespace
Session 3: Automatic pre-processing
Presentation of the Mdb object model (model database)
Using the replay file
Automation of geometry creation / material definition / meshing / analysis set up
Session 4: Automatic post-processing
Presentation of the Odb object model (results database)
Using a macro
Read and write from/to the .odb file
Session 5: Graphical User Interface
Presentation of the session object model
Create simple plug-in with the RSG toolkit
The costs for this Online Web training are EUR 980,00 per person. Payment / PO should be received before the start of the training.
Registration Online Web Training: Introduction to Python & Abaqus Scripting