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Online Webinar Training: Complex Dynamics with Abaqus FEA

24 november 2017 @ 11:30 - 12:00

November’s webinar will look at the complex dynamics capabilities of Abaqus, with a focus on workflows and tools available to simulate rotordynamic behaviour.

In typical linear dynamic simulations, the structure is considered to be static and the natural frequencies are calculated assuming the mass and stiffness matrices calculated at the base state of the model are not influenced by the behaviour of the structure. Dynamic responses may then be calculated by applying forces with damping to the structure.

In rotordynamic simulations, the natural frequencies of the structure may change due to elastic stiffening due to deformations, which are affected by the spin speed, and frequency dependant stiffnesses and damping, either in the material or at the boundaries in fluid film bearings etc.

Rotordynamic behaviourIn this webinar we will describe modelling considerations and workflows in Abaqus for calculating the complex dynamic response of structures, as well as plug-ins available from the Dassault Systems Knowledge Base to make post-processing of rotordynamic results efficient and visual, generating outputs which are useful for rotordynamic machine design.

For who is this event?

The Complex Dynamics with Abaqus FEA is a paid online training for existing customers. Other companies can sign up and receive a free webinar once. The costs for 10 Online Webinar Training Sessions during the year are EUR 1.175,00.

The link for the online event will be sent just one week before the actual date so if you register, please note it in your agenda already.

Webinar Training: Complex Dynamics with Abaqus FEA


24 november 2017
11:30 - 12:00
Evenement Categorie:




Dolf Broekaart
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