door Marketing Technia | dinsdag, september 29, 2015 | Simuleon Nieuws
Welcome to our new website We have spend quite some time to make our new website as intuitive and informative as possible. In the events page you will find a clear overview of all the scheduled events for the upcoming period. The Knowledge Centre is a complete new...
door Marketing Technia | woensdag, juli 1, 2015 | Simuleon Nieuws
Case Study: NovaBike racing team reducing 54% weight reduction by using Abaqus Simuleon, the Added Value reseller of SIMULIA FEM & Simulation Software, supports the NovaBike motor racing team of Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in gaining a weight...
door Marketing Technia | dinsdag, juni 30, 2015 | Simuleon Nieuws
Bruchem, June 30 2015 – The expansion of the SIMULIA Portfolio through acquisitions has made more technologies readily available, but also created a need to rationalize release numbering. To make it easier to identify releases that work together, in the summer of 2015...