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Hands-on Workshop: Introduction to Advanced Contact Analysis

19 februari 2021 @ 13:00 - 17:00


abaqus-tutorial-27-rubber-sealThe Introduction to Advanced Contact Workshop is a free event for anyone dealing with complex contact conditions, who has beginner or advanced experience in simulation and FEA, but would like to look at extending the scope of the work they do. This workshop is an ideal way to understand what advanced simulation with robust contactsolver can offer, and find out how easy it is to perform a real world non-linear analysis.

In this unique event Simuleon will present their solutions based on the SIMULIA portfolio particularly for usage with SIMULIA Abaqus. Starting with a lecture session covering the essential concepts of advanced contact, the course also gives the attendees the opportunity with our hands-on workshop, to model advanced contact phenomena with SIMULIA Abaqus.

For who is this event?

For everybody who reached the limit of what they can do with their existing simulation software, or just simply want to enhance their understanding of FEA simulation for contact Analysis. This event is suitable for existing Abaqus customers as well as for non-Abaqus customers.

What topics are discussed?

Contact analysis can be seen as one of the most challenging topics in the FEA world. Almost all products or processes have interactions with other parts, whatever the application or the industry. It is very important to have an accurate material model that captures all the necessary contact behaviour that we want to evaluate to determine whether the product fulfils the necessary requirements.

Our first presentation “Introduction to Advanced contact Analysis gives an overview of the capabilities that SIMULIA Abaqus software had in order to solve your challenge.

The second presentation “Theoretical background of non-linear Analysis“ will give you insights in the possibilities, assumptions and techniques used within non-linear analysis.

The hand-on session, teaches you how to perform non-linear analysis for advanced contact, by handling tutorials about selfcontact, , droptestcontact, contact with damage, contact with friction, contact for snapfits, pressure penetration during contact, and many others. Join our workshop and discover the SIMULIA Abaqus software yourself under guidance of our Abaqus Application Engineers.


13:00  –  17:00 Hours
– Welcome & Introduction Simuleon
– Introduction to Advanced Contact
– Theoretical background non-linear Analysis
– Hands-on Session – Abaqus Contact Tutorials

Fill in the form below to register, and receive a free Student Edition during the classroom workshop

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19 februari 2021
13:00 - 17:00
Evenement Categorie:


Dolf Broekaart
Bekijk de site van Organisator

